New Website Design
By zent3600
The old website's design has been on there for quite a while and, the more I looked at it, the less I liked it. That's why I decided to start working on a completely new design for the website, using pure HTML and the Bulma CSS framewrok.
The newly developed design for has just been released. Here are its most notable features!
First of all, the color palette changed quite a bit. It went from pitch black and neon orange to a lighter set of colors. Now we have a light gray on dark gray for the content, a pair of light oranges for the important stuff and a few browns for decorations.
If you ask me, now the colors are way less eye-hurting.
I've heard many people say they really liked the fox as a logo, so that stayed in the new design and will probably stay there forever.
A small detail I personally find quite cool is the two colored waves serving as a footer on the bottom of the page.
I generated the SVGs using a website called and them merged the two waves together with Inkscape.
I really like them.
I really do hope that you will like this new design. For now, I'm going to keep working on it, to make it look better and better.
Until next time!
> zent3600 at 2021-07-19 10:05:11 <
ID #28