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"Mom, how do I make Word?"
That's what I asked my mother when I was about 9 years old. I was just a kid at the time and didn't know what coding was, but when my mother explained it to me and started teaching me I immediatly loved it
(even if I understood basically nothing)
Coding to me was a really fun toy and became an hobby of mine in no time.

I initially started coding with Scratch, which is basically coding Legos, and, once i grew out of it, proceeded to something a little bit more serious. I wanted to make one of those robots you see in sci-fi movies, so i bought an Arduino and started messing with it.
The only problem with that is that making cool robots that follow you around shooting lasers isn't as easy as a kid could think it is. Later on I began learning some actual coding languages. I first tried Java... and immediatly stopped because of how complex that language is. Since Java wasn't an option, I went for something a little easier and started learning Python.
It was a lot easier, so I sticked with that and I now like to consider myself pretty good at it.
It was time for my revenge. I was finally ready since I knew a coding language. It was finally time to build my Sci-Fi Robot!
Guess what? I still can't do it, it's way too hard.